
Kaitlyn Kirkhart

Once Accounting
Chief Communications Officer
[email protected]

Kaitlyn Kirkhart is a communications professional specializing in client-facing relationships and creating efficiencies in the public accounting industry. Kaitlyn has a proven track record in public speaking, organizational communications, social media, sales, and business administration in public accounting. She's had content published on Yahoo Finance and CPA Practice Advisor and was interviewed by ABC News' Affiliate, WFAA, for BaCo Tech's ability to help small businesses during the COVID-19 shutdown. Additionally, she is an active member in her local Toastmasters club, on the committee for Texas' American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure, and is a member of a CEO peer advisory group of executives who challenge and inspire each other to make better decisions, Vistage International. Kaitlyn holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from Texas State University.

About Us: Once Accounting is a single hub to manage all your client’s books in a single location, regardless of what accounting package they have, allowing a CPA to seamlessly integrate those records into their solution suite.