Did you start your accounting practice like many CPAs... dreaming of a life filled with freedom and options? Did it meet those expectations? Or like so many before you…did it quickly turn into a nightmare as you ended up working long hours, babysitting your employees and leading a life of stress and worry?
I’ve been where you were. I was personally over $100,000 in debt, chained to my desk with long hours, and worried about even making payroll. But I discovered a simple system that catapulted my practice to success while freeing my time.
During this webinar, you will learn how to create a true lifestyle-based practice by hiring the right team, managing them the right way, and putting the right systems in place.
How to tap into the 3 most lucrative high-profit leverage points in your practice – most practitioners overlook them but I’ll show you exactly when and how to use these little-known strategies.
What to immediately do if you want to build the right team for your practice – I’ll share when, where and how to hire top notch staff who will make you look like a hero.
Open the “cash flow” doors! I’ll teach you fool-proof work flow strategies to get you to process the work quickly AND profitably.
Emily Henderson (Lafayette Management Inc)
"This webinar was by far the best webinar I have ever taken with you guys! Not only was Salim knowledgeable, but he was practical and he taught a lot of content that most people hold off on because they want you to partner with them. Because he gave so much away it made people want to connect more because if I can learn all of this in an hour and a half imagine what I will learn if I am mentored by him. I am mind blown, stirred and encouraged. Thank you so much Salim Omar and CPAAcademy."Bill Harmer (Retired)
"Very Good Presentation recommend for all businesses"Michael Foster (FosterCo, LLC)
"This was very helpful to my practice"LINN ALEXANDER (A-1 TAX SERVICE)
"This webinar information is wonderful! I will soon start my own practice, so now I will have the tools to avoid many errors."Philip, NV
"Quality presentation with useful information"
CPA Marketing Genius LLC
(732) 309-7232
Salim Omar transformed a struggling practice he started in 1996 with low-paying clients, poor cash flow, and high turnover, into a highly profitable firm with a top-quality team that allows him to work just a few days in a week while his practice continues to grow.
He is the author of the popular book, The Ultimate CPA Practice in the New Economy. In addition, he has been featured in various prestigious publications, such as the CPA Journal and Accounting Today.