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Boost Your Emotional Intelligence


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateAugust 20, 2020
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaPersonal Development
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a key factor in finding success and fulfillment in your career, relationships, and life, especially in uncertain times like these. By increasing your EI, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others and become an even more potent and powerful change agent at work and at home. EI can help boost your productivity, reduce your personal stress and job satisfaction, raise more self-confident children, and even strengthen your health and immune system.  

Course Objectives:
In this powerful talk, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of emotional intelligence, as well as:  

  • The purpose and benefits of acknowledging and expressing your emotions 

  • The positive impact of emotional intelligence on your career and relationships

  • How you can learn and leverage the skills of emotional intelligence right now

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Dr. Judith Wright

The Wright Foundation
Co-Founder & Transformational Coaching Social Professor & Emotional Intelligence Trainer

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Dr. Judith Wright is the Chief Academic Officer, Professor of Transformational Coaching, and co-founder of the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential. She is also President and co-founder of the Wright Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping individuals bring out their best personally and professionally. She is the author of multiple books including Transformed: The Science of Spectacular Living, There Must Be More Than This, The One Decision, The Soft Addiction Solution, and The Heart of the Fight.

Dr. Wright has appeared as a featured lifestyle expert and coach on ABC’s 20/20, Oprah, Good Morning America, the Today show, and hundreds of radio and television shows. Called the “world’s ultimate expert” by Women’s World magazine, her work has appeared on over 600 TV and radio programs and in over 80 magazines and newspapers around the globe including Marie Claire, Fitness Magazine, Health, Better Homes and Gardens, Shape, The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Herald, and The San Francisco Chronicle.

Dr. Wright wrote There Must Be More Than This (Random House/ Broadway Books), The One Decision, and The Soft Addiction Solution (Penguin/Tarcher) to share her proven personal transformation methodologies with a broader audience. Dr. Wright has the rare ability to touch groups of all types and sizes, communicating her messages with great passion that inspires audiences.

A pioneer in the field of human development, Dr. Wright first rose to national prominence by developing innovative education and early childhood development programs for those with developmental disabilities. These experiences fueled her passion for developing human potential and strengthened her
deep-rooted commitment to help people live great lives. Dr. Wright then applied the profound insights she discovered to the general population, spurring people from all walks of life to significant success in personal transformation, leadership development, and personal goal fulfillment.

After twenty years of developing inspirational personal development programs, she cofounded the Wright Foundation — a cutting edge coaching and training institute in Chicago — and the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential, offering Masters and Doctoral degrees in Transformational Leadership and Coaching, as well as graduate certificates in Social and Emotional intelligence.

About Our Presenter

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The Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We focus on using cutting-edge social and emotional intelligence to activate leaders who help contribute to a 200-year vision of a world that works for everyone.

The foundation includes:
The Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential (WGU), www.wrightgrad.edu, which offers M.A. and Ed.D. degrees, plus graduate certificate programs in social and emotional intelligence, transformational leadership and transformational coaching. WGU provides a performative learning environment and synthesizes the best theories and methodologies related to the enhancement of human potential—ancient Greek philosophy to modern-day existential philosophy; developmental, Adlerian, humanistic and positive psychology; educational theories from Dewey to Vygotsky to Mezirow; current research in neuroscience, and behavioral economics.

Wright Foundation: www.wrightfoundation.org, the overarching organization which includes the non-credit division of the foundation where clients engage in applied coaching and coursework in social and emotional intelligence to leap ahead in their careers and lives so that they can make a positive contribution in their sphere of influence whether that sphere is a corporation, a family, a community, or society at large. The unique yearning-based learning approach applies both traditional and cutting-edge human emergence technologies to leadership, career, personal development, relationships and parenting, and more. Rather than limiting expertise to one static discipline, the Wright Foundation continually synthesizes the latest in training and research along with past technologies and distills it for students into a pragmatic step-by-step system, called The Assignment Way of Living, that students can easily apply moment-by-moment in their careers, relationships, and lives. Our focus is on leadership from the inside out which embraces the whole individual and is applicable for any individual just beginning in their career to very advanced.

The core programs in this division include:
• The Year of Transformation
• Transformation Lab
• Leadership Intensive
• Electives include: sales, entrepreneurs, relationships, parenting, women’s
leadership, men’s leadership, and more.

The Human Emergence group: Our business division brings our innovative curriculum into companies and organizations to empower individuals to be changemakers where they are, to take responsibility for their leadership, and to have a positive impact in their organization no matter what their role or level. Offerings from this division include workshops and training in social and emotional intelligence, executive or professional coaching, consulting, and more.