Join Ramon Ray, entrepreneur, bestselling author, journalist and more, for this informative webinar to learn about:
- Best practices for online applications.
- How successful small business owners harness mobile tools to boost productivity.
- How to ensure efficiency both inside the office and on the go.
Nicole, TX
"I enjoyed this webinar, even though I am not traveling right now, this webinar has told me what to do in order to be prepared for when I do travel. I will have the necessary equipment and supplies needed to successfully achieve my goals when traveling. I will be prepared."Catherine, OH
"I liked the 2 person presentation style. It was more of a conversation and kept everything moving and provided multiple perspectives of how each handled situations."Rod, CO
"Great seminar, very easy to follow and learned a couple of new cool ways to efficiently perform analysis using excel. Nice job!"Dianne, CA
"Enjoyed hearing other presenters' experiences. Thanks for recommending that people still print boarding passes if possible."Julie, CO
"Loved the back and forth with the 2 presenters. Ramon was lively - not boring. Yay!"Tangala, GA
"Excellent information in being prepared to be productive in a mobile environment!"Ruth, FL
"Could listen to Ray all day long. Great Presentation!"Monique Nicole, NY
"Fantastic Webinar...Very Informative. Thank You."
Smart Hustle Magazine
Ramon is Small Business Evangelist, Infusionsoft and Editor of Smart Hustle Magazine. His third book is best seller “Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing”. Ramon has shared the stage with Seth Godin, Daymond John, Guy Kawasaki, Simon Sinek, Gary Vaynerchuk, JJ Ramberg, Peter Shankman and other celebrity entrepreneurs. He's even interviewed President Obama in the President's first live Google Hangout. Ramon is not just an ivory tower geek, but as a former technology consultant has hands on experience in a variety of technologies including social media, mobile computing, computer networks, online software and more. Ramon’s expertise is small business technology, marketing, sales, business startup and his favorite is personal branding. Over his extensive career Ramon has written thousands of articles, spoken to thousands of business owners and impacted hundreds of thousands of small businesses to help their businesses thrive, using technology.